Total Eclipse

Total Eclipse

Interesting listening to the solar eclipse coverage this week.  People talking about how this event has changed for them over time.  One man in particular was describing the difference between when he saw first the eclipse as a 5 year old, and how it compares to watching it today, as a NASA engineer.  As a child, the eclipse is all about fantastic, “super-natural” events that cannot be understood!  But as an engineer, he talked about how his training and understanding of the physical world now provides a different lens to see the eclipse though, especially being able to observe “invisible” phenomena like infra-red waves coming from the sun.  It is completely within the laws of nature, and can actually be predicted!  Understanding the world beyond what we can see with the naked eye, in this case – the solar system; makes an enormous difference in his experience.

This is not a new phenomenon … people in ancient times have misunderstood things that seem pretty self-evident to us now.  Like the relationship between the sun and the earth.  Looking at it from a purely local perspective, it’s obvious.  The sun shows up in the sky in the east, physically moves across the sky and disappears in the west.  Clearly the sun is what’s doing the moving.  Except that we now have the benefit of a larger perspective that shows us that what seems obvious physically is maybe not the whole picture.  That there is more to the story than what we can observe casually with our eyes.

This is a common experience with energy healing.  At first, it seems like some super-natural, perhaps questionable, practice that is easily misunderstood.  Especially when we are talking about a no-touch modality like Pranic Healing!  But as people begin to open to the possibility, begin to explore the science behind energy healing (and there is a lot), we begin to see this practice through a different lens.  This lens helps us to understand that energy healing is not contrary to the laws of nature, only contrary to our limited understanding of the laws of nature.  So when we learn more about energy healing, we see the larger perspective and the context that allows this work to be methodical, replicated and predicable.   Hardly a super-natural event.  Join us for a Pranic Healing workshop and expand your perspective on healing!

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