Energy of your House

Energy of your House

The energetics of our homes and offices are often overlooked in the healing context, but are actually a critically important container of our healing journey. This is the domain of Pranic Feng Shui.

Pranic Feng Shui is the art and science of environmental energy. We are swimming in an ocean of energy; and just like a fish in an aquarium, the invisible qualities of that water (temperature, speed, salinity, pH) are enormously important for the fish. For us, the invisible qualities of the energy that surrounds us and fills our home and office are critically important for our healing, our prosperity, and our loving relationships. The direction of the front door, the bed, the desk and stove can either energetically support or inhibit the energy of people living in that residence. Different features of the architecture as well as the art and other contents in the room can strengthen or weaken the energy that is supposed to support us.

The best time for a Pranic Feng Shui consultation is before you buy the house or rent the office. Although some adverse architectural features can be mitigated or corrected, it is often best to avoid them in the first place and choose a home or office that has the best energetic potential. The next best time for a consultation is during a remodel, such as a kitchen renovation. These feng shui recommendations can be incorporated by the architect early in the process for best results. Otherwise, anytime is a good time to have a consultation and recommendations on furniture placement and energetic corrections for existing conditions.

Clients have reported changes after a Feng Shui analysis such as:

  • improved sleep and better waking energy after shifting the direction of their bed.
  • increased concentration and focus after shifting the direction of their desk.
  • improved harmonious relationships after clearing out clutter.
  • better financial results after implementing some prosperity corrections
  • improved relationship with spouse after feng shui on the bedroom
  • children doing better in school after a feng shui on their study area

Pranic Feng Shui and space clearing go hand in hand. Many clients who are stuck in a clutter cycle find that after an energetic space clearing, the physical space is easier to de-clutter and keep clear. That contributes to an improved state of well being for everyone.

Pranic Feng Shui is a powerful tool for optimizing the energy of your living space. It is more than smoke and mirrors, and most people feel a profound shift in their space afterwards. It is an essential part of your becoming an empowered agent of change in your own healing journey.

Join me today for this important next step.

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