Nourish Yourself with Meditation

Nourish Yourself with Meditation

Your health and well being are your greatest asset.  Think of them like a bank account.  Are you withdrawing more than you are depositing?  It’s time to take a weekend and Restore.  Regenerate.  Recharge.

Learn how meditation can help you improve your health in body, mind, and spirit. Experience a heightened sense of well-being in just a few days.   This weekend program, in association with Ananda Center at Laurelwood, will introduce you to simple, universal methods that you can easily incorporate into your personal meditation practice.

You will learn about:

  • How environmental stress and mental attitudes affect the mind and body
  • How meditation changes your brain
  • The connection between mind, body and breath
  • Simple and effective techniques to help you calm and focus your mind
  • Becoming aware of the energetic, vibrational nature of your mind and body
  • Techniques to harmonize and energize your body and mind

You’ll leave with the techniques and understanding you need to improve and maintain your health & well-being. Your weekend will include engaging, interactive instructional sessions, and opportunities for you to practice your newly-learned skills . During this weekend retreat, you have an ideal setting for learning how to meditate. The welcoming and relaxed atmosphere at Ananda Laurelwood, the daily practice of meditation and yoga, the humor and joy of the staff, and the wonderful fellow students – all will help elevate your well-being to a higher level.

Price is all inclusive and includes the program, accommodations and vegetarian meals.

Please register here:

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