Caring for your Inner Landscape

Caring for your Inner Landscape

Working in the garden this morning, I am struck by the extreme dryness everywhere. The soil is parched. The plants are wilting. So the natural thing to do is to water. I remember when I was a kid and was told to go out and help by ‘watering the plants.’ So that is what I did … I sprinkled water on the leaves. I didn’t immediately understand why when I was told, instead to water the dirt. In my childlike way, I wondered what the dirt had to do with it! Eventually I figured out, with a deeper understanding of the part of the plant I wasn’t seeing – the root system – that this was actually the crucial part of the plant for watering purposes.
In the same way, as I work with clients, I see extreme depletion in so many people. Not enough sleep. Too much caffeine. Overwhelming stress. Energetic depletion is a state of low energy, and we always encourage people to address this situation on the physical level with proper nutrients and good sleeping habits. In addition to that, if we really want faster, longer lasting results, the thing to do is to add energy to the invisible part of the system — directly to “the roots.”
In the garden, as I water, the soil absorbs the water so fast it just disappears, until a more balanced state is achieved. Same thing working with a person’s energy fields – they can be so depleted sometimes they seem like a parched desert landscape absorbing the water – until that balance is achieved. And with regular watering, you will be amazed at what will grow!

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